Sunday, March 18, 2012

The 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2011 - 2012

Here at DishingTech blog posts can be a bit hit and miss, mostly miss. Partially because we are not writing content that appeals to a specific audience or on the other hand, because the content is not as far reaching. Also, google rankings and Search Engine Optimisation could be, and will be improved. As far as site averages, we average around 530 page views per day which equates to around 16,000 page views a month. Largely due to my cross posting on my YouTube videos.

So here is The 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2011 - 2012

5. iWifihack Scam [1,754 Views] 
8. 06.15.00 GPS Fix [712 Views]

Making sense of it
The most popular blog post ties in with my most popular youtube video to date. Google search and Youtube were my most popular sources of traffic. So no surprises there. However, number 2 traffic was mostly generated through Google search. Number 3 I am quite surprised with. It ranks at No. 10 in Google search front page with the keyword 'whatsapp for mac'. It is clearly where most of my keyword traffic has been generating from as below shows:

best mac apps 2012
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top mac apps 2012
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best apps for mac 2012
mac apps 2012
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best 2012 mac apps
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