1 Introduction
Students at school, colleges and universities who use Macs are very fortunate to have a number of apps that simply make learning and later, professional working life much easier. It is a good idea to invest some time searching for apps (you should spend 10 minutes on this page identifying what will be good for you) before you start your course, but if you missed the boat, so to speak, it is never too late.
2 The List
The list below is subdivided into categories with most of these apps being free and all being free if you look in the right, some people might say wrong places.
Each app has a description (with links to how it works videos) and links under the icons to the developers and download sites. Also each link opens up in a new tab.
3 Web Apps
There are a number of websites that provide students with an array of tools that can be accessed on your web browser. Soon, I will create a list of the Best Web Apps for Students and place a link to it here.
4 Other Apps
There are apps that you simply cannot get on a Mac without installing Windows either through bootcamp, running wine or using virtualisation software. See: Section 26.
For Windows users who would like to make the switch to the Mac environment, you can run Mac OS X through virtualisation as well or even create a Hackintosh.
For Windows users who would like to make the switch to the Mac environment, you can run Mac OS X through virtualisation as well or even create a Hackintosh.
5 Productivity
These apps help you find and arrange pretty much anything on your Mac in the quickest ways and with the least headaches as possible. Sure you might only save a few seconds with each task, but those seconds add up.
Alfred is a ridiculously fast file finder, web searcher, app and action launcher. There is a reason why this app is first on the list because I use this app like it is apart of Mac OS X itself. I have used it 15,432 times at an average 34.6 times a day, simply by pushing the Alfred hotkey (command + .). The app is free but I recommend using the paid Powerpack to get more out of it.
Don't you love Windows 7 for being able to snap windows to one side of the screen to the other? Well Moom allows you to do this so none of your windows overlap and you can maximise the use of your screen particularly if it is quite large. You can set windows onto a grid so the windows are where you want them without clumsily dragging and dropping.
Divvy is similar to Moom and great at snaping workspaces side to side. For instance you might want to browse the internet on the left side of the screen and type on the right with Word. Now with MacOS X Lion we have multiple 'desktops' or spaces as some people call them, but some might find working with Divvy much easier.
This app is good to put all your assignments or tasks that are required during the semester. Takes a bit of setting up but you will know exactly when assignments are due and how important they are. You can also add notes, links to files, colour coordinate and sync with DropBox which would be handy for group assignments. Another benefit is that it is cross platform with Android, iDevices and soon to be Windows.
6 Word Processing
Basic word processing can be done on a Mac with Textedit but for students who like to create richly formatted, spellchecked and dynamic documents you will have to spend a little money. Although OpenOffice is quite good and is a good free alternative to Microsoft Office.
Microsoft Word
7 Document Management
8 PDF Managers
Adobe Acrobat Pro
9 Reference & Referencing Management
10 Publishing
11 Internet Browsing
12 Maths
13 Spreedsheet
14 Presentations
15 Graphics
16 Project / Group Management & Collaboration
17 Email Management
18 Communication
19 Meetings & Important Dates
20 Recording
Snapz Pro X